Alternative Investments Guide to Diversifying Your Portfolio in 2023

Oleksandr Zarnytskyi
5 min readApr 15, 2023


When most investors think of investing, stocks and bonds are typically the first asset classes that come to mind. However, there are a variety of alternative investments available that can provide diversification and potentially higher returns. In this article, we will explore the world of alternative investments and discuss the benefits and risks of incorporating them into your portfolio.

Alternative investments are investments in asset classes that are not typically included in a traditional stock and bond portfolio. These investments, such as private equity, real estate, commodities, and hedge funds, have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their potential for diversification and potentially higher returns. However, it is important to understand the impact that alternative investments can have on consumers.

Benefits of Alternative

Investments One of the primary benefits of alternative investments is diversification. By investing in different types of assets, consumers can spread out their risk and potentially increase their returns. Additionally, alternative investments often have the potential to generate higher returns than traditional investments, although this often comes with increased risk.

Alternative investments can also provide consumers with access to unique opportunities that may not be available through traditional investments. For example, investing in a real estate crowdfunding platform may provide access to investment opportunities in properties that would otherwise be out of reach.

Risks of Alternative Investments While alternative investments can provide diversification and potentially higher returns, they also come with increased risks. Alternative investments are often less regulated than traditional investments, which means they can be more susceptible to fraud and other risks. Additionally, alternative investments are often less liquid than traditional investments, which means they may be more difficult to sell in the event of a market downturn.

Impact on Consumers

The impact of alternative investments on consumers can vary depending on the investment and the consumer’s individual circumstances. For example, investing in a hedge fund may provide a high potential return but also come with a high minimum investment and limited liquidity, making it suitable only for high net worth individuals who can afford to take on the additional risk.

On the other hand, investing in a real estate crowdfunding platform may provide regular income through rental payments and potentially appreciate in value over time, making it a suitable option for investors looking for a steady stream of passive income.
It is important for consumers to carefully consider the impact of alternative investments on their overall investment strategy and to conduct thorough due diligence on the investment, including researching the investment strategy, management team, and track record.

Investing in alternative investments typically requires a higher level of knowledge and expertise than traditional investments. Investors interested in alternative investments should conduct thorough due diligence on the investment, including researching the investment strategy, management team, and track record. Additionally, investors should consider working with a financial advisor or investment professional with experience in alternative investments.
Alternative investments can provide diversification and potentially higher returns for consumers looking to expand their portfolio beyond traditional investments. However, it is important to understand the risks and impact that alternative investments can have on consumers. Investors should carefully consider their individual circumstances and work with an experienced investment professional to determine if alternative investments are suitable for their investment goals.
Alternative investments are investments in asset classes that are not traditionally included in a stock and bond portfolio. Examples of alternative investments include private equity, real estate, commodities, and hedge funds. These investments are often less liquid than traditional investments, meaning they are not as easily bought and sold.

How to Invest in Alternative Investments?

One of the primary reasons to invest in alternative investments is to diversify your portfolio. By investing in different types of assets, you can spread out your risk and potentially increase your returns. Alternative investments also have the potential to generate higher returns than traditional investments, although this often comes with increased risk.

Types of Alternative Investments that You Can Invest Right Now:

Private Equity: Private equity refers to investments in privately-held companies. These investments often have a longer time horizon than public equity investments and typically require a larger minimum investment.

Real Estate: Real estate investments can include direct ownership of property, as well as investments in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate crowdfunding platforms. Real estate investments can provide regular income through rental payments and potentially appreciate in value over time.

Commodities: Commodities are raw materials such as gold, oil, and agricultural products. Investing in commodities can provide diversification from stocks and bonds, as well as a hedge against inflation.

Hedge Funds: Hedge funds are actively managed investment funds that use a variety of investment strategies, including long-short equity, global macro, and event-driven. These investments often require a high minimum investment and are only available to accredited investors.

While alternative investments can provide diversification and potentially higher returns, they also come with increased risks. Alternative investments are often less regulated than traditional investments, which means they can be more susceptible to fraud and other risks. Additionally, alternative investments are often less liquid than traditional investments, which means they may be more difficult to sell in the event of a market downturn.
Alternative investments can provide diversification and potentially higher returns for investors looking to expand their portfolio beyond traditional investments. However, these investments also come with increased risks and require a higher level of knowledge and expertise. Investors interested in alternative investments should conduct thorough due diligence and consider working with an experienced investment professional.



Oleksandr Zarnytskyi

Ecosystem early adapter, visionary, BigData 💚 Decentralized economy, CBDC #entrepreneur